5.Click [+] on the left of the [Security] folder to display the items in the folder.
6.Click [Machine Digital Certificate Management].
7.Click [Upload Signed Certificate].
NOTE: When a certificate is to be imported, if the same certificate has been already registered in [Local Device] or [Others], the certificate cannot be imported. Delete the existing certificate before importing the new one.
a. Enter the password into [Password].
c. Enter the name of the file you want to import, or select the file to be imported by clicking the [Browse] button.
d. Click the [Import] button. When a screen to enter a user name and passcode appears, enter the System Administrator user ID and passcode, and then click [OK].
NOTE: The default System Administrator user ID and passcode are "11111" and "x- admin" respectively.
8.Refresh the web browser.
9.Click [+] on the left of [Security] to display the items in the folder.
10.Configure the certificate.