| |
| Cause | Confirmation Method | Action |
| The number of print queues | Use NWADMIN or | |
| assigned exceeds the | PCONSOLE to check | print queue assigned to the |
| maximum number that the | whether the required print | machine.* |
| machine can support. | queue is assigned to the |
| machine.* |
| No slave file server is | Use PCONSOLE to check | Use PCONSOLE to register a |
| specified (bindery service | whether a slave file server is | slave file server.* |
| mode). | registered.* |
| Incorrect printer type. | Use PCONSOLE to check | Use PCONSOLE to specify |
| the printer type.* | [Remote Parallel, LPT1]. |
| Then reboot the machine.* |
| The setting for the slave file | Use PCONSOLE to check | Use PCONSOLE to specify |
| server is incorrect (bindery | the setting.* | the correct setting.* |
| mode). |
| The actual number of the | Use NWADMIN to check | Use NWADMIN or |
| page of the print job is | whether the starting paper | PCONSOLE to match the |
| different from the page | number is the same as that of | [Starting paper] number with |
| number set in the machine. | the print job.* | the paper number of the print |
| job.* |
| The IPX checksum is set to | Use the Set command on the | Enter the following command |
| an invalid level. | file server console to check | on the file server console to |
| whether the IPX checksum is | set the IPX checksum to level |
| set to level 2. | 0 or level 1. |
| Set Enable IPX Checksum = |
| x (x: 0 or 1) |
| The NCP packet signature is | Use the Set command on the | Enter the following command |
| set to an invalid level. | file server console to check | on the file server console to |
| whether the NCP packet | set the NCP packet signature |
| signature is set to level 3. | to level 0, 1, or 2 and then |
| restart the file server. |
| set NCP Packet Signature |
| Option = x (x: 0, 1, or 2) |
| The default machine name is | Print the System Settings | Specify the correct Ethernet |
| invalid. | List, and then check that the | address, or assign a name |
| 6 least significant digits of the | other than the default. |
| Ethernet address are correct. |
| No directory tree name is | Print the System Settings | Specify a tree name. |
| specified. | List, and then check that a |
| tree name is specified. |
| No context is specified. | Print the System Settings | Specify a context. |
| List, and then check that a |
| context is specified. |
| Another printer object has | Use NWADMIN to check that | Use PCL Print Driver CD- |
| been connected. | the object is correctly | ROM or CentreWare Internet |
| assigned to the required print | Services to specify the |
| server.* | correct file server name, tree |
| name, context name, and |
| active mode. |
| The file server goes down. | Select [Network | Activate the file server. |
| Neighborhood] of Windows to |
| search for the file server. |