GPIB Command Dictionary
CANalyzer subsystem
:TRIGger:STATe <string> :TRIGger:STATe?
These commands set/query the state of the trigger.
CAN:TRIG:STAT can be overridden with the TRIG:MODE:RETR REP and TRIG:MODE:RETR SING trigger commands. When the trigger commands are used, the state of the field on the display is not updated. (For instance, the screen may show Single selected when TRIG:MODE:RETR REP is used.)
CAN:TRIG:STAT ‘Single’ ‘Cont’
Screen/field equivalent
CAN:TRIG:STAT controls Single/Cont subfield of the Analyzer field on the CDMA ANALYZER screen.
Chapter 1 | 113 |