GPIB Command Dictionary
CONFigure subsystem
This command causes the modem to disconnect from the call in progress. It also cancels any pending call origination retries (CONF:SPOR11:MOD:CONN:RETRy). This field is inactive when CONF:SPOR11:MOD:MODE ‘Disable’ command is used.
Screen/field equivalent
CONF:SPOR11:MOD:CALL:DISC controls the Disconnect subfield of the Call field on the MODEM CONFIGURE screen when the Serial Port field is set to Port 11.
This command queries the status of the modem.
Screen/field equivalent
CONF:SPOR11:MOD:CALL:STAT? queries the Status field on the
MODEM CONFIGURE screen when the Serial Port field is set to
Port 11.
This command queries the status of the modem.
CONF:SPOR11:MOD:CONN:NUMB <string up to 40 characters>
Screen/field equivalent
CONF:SPOR11:MOD:CONN:NUMB controls the Number to Call field on the MODEM CONFIGURE screen when the Serial Port field is set to Port 11.
Chapter 1 | 187 |