GPIB Command Dictionary
MEASure subsystem
These command set/query the symbol number assigned by the encoder for each of the DTMF tones. As each tone is analyzed, the symbol that represents each tone is returned as a quoted string.
MEAS:DEC:DTMF:SYMB? !returns a quoted string
Screen/field equivalent
MEAS:DEC:DTMF:SYMB? reads the Sym column on the SIGNALING DECODER screen when the Mode field is set to DTMF.
:DEC:FGENerator:FREQuency <meas cmnd> :DEC:FGENerator:FREQuency?
These commands set/query the frequency of the signal generated by the function generator.
MEAS:DEC:FGEN:FREQ <meas cmnd>
MEAS:DEC:FGEN:FREQ? !returns and integer value
Screen/field equivalent
MEAS:DEC:FGEN:FREQ? reads the Frequency measurement field on the SIGNALING DECODER screen when the Mode field is set to Func Gen.
These commands set/query the number of bits measured by the signaling decoder in
MEAS:DEC:NAMP:NBIT <meas cmnd>
MEAS:DEC:NAMP:NBIT? !returns and integer value
Screen/field equivalent
MEAS:DEC:NAMP:NBIT? reads the Num of Bits measurement field on the SIGNALING DECODER screen when the Mode field is set to
Chapter 1 | 265 |