GPIB Command Dictionary
DECoder subsystem
:DTMF:GATE <real number> :DTMF:GATE?
This command specifies how long the decoder analyzes a signal after it has been triggered. Up to 6.55 seconds of gate time can be specified.
If the gate time is too long, the decoder’s buffer becomes full. A message is displayed instructing you to decrease the gate time.
This command utilizes the “Real Number Setting Syntax” on page 299, but does not use the :STATe command.
DEC:DTMF:GATE <real number>
Screen/field equivalent
DEC:DTMF:GATE controls the Gate Time field on the SIGNALING DECODER screen when the Mode field is set to DTMF.
:FGEN:GATE <real number>
This command specifies how long the decoder analyzes a signal after it has been triggered. Up to 6.55 seconds of gate time can be specified.
If the gate time is too long, the decoder’s buffer becomes full. A message is displayed instructing you to decrease the gate time.
This command utilizes the “Real Number Setting Syntax” on page 299, but does not use the :STATe command.
DEC:FGEN:GATE <real number>
Screen/field equivalent
DEC:FGEN:GATE controls the Gate Time field on the SIGNALING DECODER screen when the Mode field is set to Func Gen.
Chapter 1 | 201 |