GPIB Command Dictionary
CDANalyzer subsystem
:GAIN <string> :GAIN?
These commands set/query the gain of the code domain analyzer. This command will only be enabled when autoranging is turned off (CDAN:GAIN:MODE ‘Hold’).
This command may conflict with the CDMA analyzer’s settings CAN:PATH:GAIN and CAN:PATH:MODE. For example, if autoranging is turned off (‘Hold’) in the CDMA analyzer and turned on in the Code Domain Analyzer (‘Auto’), the ‘Hold’ setting will always override the ‘Auto’ setting. When autoranging is turned off, setting either analyzer’s gain will automatically change the other’s to the same setting.
Use the CAN:POW:GAIN command when making an average power measurement.
CDAN:GAIN ‘0 dB’ ‘6 dB’ ‘12 dB’ ‘18 dB’ ‘24 dB’ ‘30 dB’ ‘36 dB’
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:GAIN sets the lower subfield of the Gain field of the CODE DOM screen, when the CDMA standard is set to
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