GPIB Command Dictionary
CDANalyzer subsystem
:EVENt:TRIGger <string> :EVENt:TRIGger?
These commands set/query the trigger setting of the CODE DOM screen.
‘20 ms’
‘80 ms’
‘2 s’
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:EVEN:TRIG sets the Trig Event field of the CODE DOM screen, when the CDMA standard is set to
:EVENt:TRIGger:DELay <real number> :EVENt:TRIGger:DELay?
These commands set/query the delay value of the trigger when the :EVEN:TRIG ‘Delay’ command is sent. This command utilizes the “Real Number Setting Syntax” on page 299, but does not use the :DUNits, :UNITs, or :STATe commands.
CDAN:EVEN:TRIG:DEL <real number> !values from 20 μs to 10 s
CDAN:EVEN:TRIG:DEL? | !returns the value set |
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:EVEN:TRIG:DEL controls the Trig Event field on the Trigger menu of the CODE DOM screen when Trig Event is set to Delay, when the CDMA standard is set to
120 | Chapter 1 |