GPIB Command Dictionary
Number Measurement Syntax
| :Previous Syntax:LLIMit:STATe 1ON !sets state of the limit |
| :Previous Syntax:LLIMit:STATe 0OFF !sets state of the limit |
| :Previous Syntax:LLIMit:STATe? !returns 1 or 0 |
| :Previous Syntax:METer[:STATe] 1ON |
| :Previous Syntax:METer[:STATe] 0OFF |
| :Previous Syntax:METer[:STATe]? !returns 1 or 0 |
| :Previous Syntax:METer:HENDLEND <real value><units> |
| :Previous Syntax:METer:HENDLEND? !returns real value |
| :Previous Syntax:METer:HENDLEND:DUNits <units> |
| :Previous Syntax:METer:HENDLEND:DUNits? |
| :Previous Syntax:METer:INTerval <integer value> |
| :Previous Syntax:METer:INTerval? !returns integer value |
| :Previous Syntax:REFerence[:VALue] <real_value>[<units>] |
| !sets the value of the reference for a measurement display |
| :Previous Syntax:REFerence? !returns the reference setting |
| :Previous Syntax:REFerence:DUNits <units> !display units |
| :Previous Syntax:REFerence:DUNits? !returns the display units |
| :Previous Syntax:REFerence:STATe 1ON !sets state of the reference |
| :Previous Syntax:REFerence:STATe 0OFF !sets state of the reference |
| :Previous Syntax:REFerence:STATe? !returns 1 or 0 |
| :Previous Syntax:STATe 1ON |
| :Previous Syntax:STATe 0OFF |
| :Previous Syntax:STATe? ! returns 1 or 0 |
| :Previous Syntax:UNits <GPIB unit_of_measure> |
| !sets the GPIB units |
| :Previous Syntax:UNits? !returns the GPIB units |
Example | Examples |
| RFAN:FREQ 850.35MHz !sets the frequency to 850.35 MHz |
| RFAN:FREQ? !returns the frequency |
| RFAN:FREQ:DUNits GHz !changes the units to GigaHertz |
| RFAN:FREQ:INCR 3.5MHz !increments frequency by 3.5 MHz |
| RFAN:FREQ:INCR? !returns the increment value |
| RFAN:FREQ:MULT !multiplies the current frequency by 10 |
| RFAN:FREQ:MULT !multiplies the current frequency by 10 |
| !Note that :STAT is not valid for RFAN:FREQ |
284 | Chapter 1 |