GPIB Command Dictionary
MEASure subsystem
:OSCilloscope:MARKer:LEVel:FM <meas cmnd> :OSCilloscope:MARKer:LEVel:FM?
These commands set/query the FM deviation measurement at the oscilloscope’s marker position. For this measurement to be valid, you must have FM Mod or FM Demod chosen as the audio input (see AFAN:INP on page 59).
This measurement utilizes the Number Measurement Syntax, but does not use the :METer command.
!See “Number Measurement Syntax” on page 283. MEAS:OSC:MARK:LEV:FM?
Screen/field equivalent
MEAS:OSC:MARK:LEV:FM? reads the Lvl measurement field on the SCOPE screen. The AF Anl In field on the AF ANALYZER screen must be set to FM Mod or FM Demod to measure FM deviation in this field.
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