GPIB Command Dictionary
AFG2ENCoder subsystem
These commands set/query the busy/idle status information included in the signaling sequence.
•‘Idle’ sets the busy/idle bits of the forward control channel information to indicate an idle state.
•‘Busy’ sets the busy/idle bits of the forward control channel information to indicate an busy state.
•‘WS Delay’ (word sync delay) prevents a busy/idle change until the word sync information has been received and a defined number of delay bits has been counted. The delay is set with the AFG2:NAMPS:BUSY:DEL command.
•‘1stBitDly’ (first bit delay) causes the busy/idle bit to be set after a bit has been received and a defined number of delay bits has been counted. The delay is set with the AFG2:NAMPS:BUSY:DEL command.
This command requires that the AFG2:NAMPS:CHAN command specifies ‘Cntl’.
‘WS Delay
Screen/field equivalent
AFG2:NAMP:BUSY controls the Busy/Idle on the SIGNALING
ENCODER screen when the Mode field is set to
Channel field is set to Cntl.
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