GPIB Command Dictionary
MEASure subsystem
:SANalyzer:MARKer:DELTa:LEVel <meas cmnd> :SANalyzer:MARKer:DELTa:LEVel?
These commands set/query the delta marker level measurement. This measurement is the level of the normal marker minus the frequency of the delta marker in dBm. If the delta marker is higher than normal marker, the delta level is positive. If the delta marker is lower than the normal marker, the delta level is negative.
The units for this measurement are dB. (There is a percent unit available; however, since the spectrum analyzer level is always displayed on a logarithmic scale, linear units are inappropriate.)
This measurement utilizes the Number Measurement Syntax, but does not use the :METer command.
!See “Number Measurement Syntax” on page 283.
MEAS:SAN:MARK:DELT:LEV? !returns real value
MEAS:SAN:MARK:DELT:LEV? !returns the value
Screen/field equivalent
MEAS:SAN:MARK:DELT:LEV? reads the Delta Mrkr, Lvl measurement field on the SPEC ANL screen when Norm/Delta field is set to Delta on the Marker controls menu.
Chapter 1 | 279 |