GPIB Command Dictionary
RFANalyzer subsystem
:FREQuency <real number> :FREQuency?
These commands set/query the tune frequency for the RF analyzer. This command requires that the CONF:RFD ‘Freq’ command is used.
This command utilizes the “Real Number Setting Syntax” on page 299, but does not use the :STATe command.
RFAN:FREQ <real>
Screen/field equivalent
RFAN:FREQ corresponds to the Tune Freq field on the RF ANALYZER screen.
[:FREQuency]:GTIMe <real number> [:FREQuency]:GTIMe?
These commands set/query the gate time for the RF Frequency counter.
This command utilizes the :DUNits and UNITs commands of the “Real Number Setting Syntax” on page 299.
Screen/field equivalent
RFAN:FREQ:GTIM controls the RF Cnt Gate field on the RF
ANALYZER screen.
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