GPIB Command Dictionary
CDANalyzer subsystem
This command initiates the channel power calibration. When this command is received, an internally generated calibration signal is measured using the average power technique. Channel power is also measured and a correction factor is generated. This correction factor is applied to subsequent channel power measurements. Calibration should be performed whenever a new set of measurements is made and whenever the frequency of the measured signal is changed.
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:CPOW:CAL controls Chn Pwr Cal measurement field on the CD Setup menu of the CODE DOM screen, when the CDMA standard is set to
:EVENt:QUALifier <string> :EVENt:QUALifier?
These commands set/query the qualifying event for the trigger. The qualifying event is the event that must occur before a trigger is accepted. The trigger event is set by the :EVEN:TRIG command.
CDAN:EVEN:QUAL ‘None’ ‘27 ms’ ‘20 ms’ ‘80 ms’ ‘2 s’ ‘Ampl Lo’ ‘Ampl Mid’ ‘Ampl Hi ‘External’
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:EVEN:QUAL controls the Qual Event field of the CODE DOM screen. This field is displayed on the Trigger menu, when the CDMA standard is set to
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