GPIB Command Dictionary
CANalyzer subsystem
:DIRection <string> :DIRection?
These commands set/query the direction of the CDMA analyzer. This command is valid only when frequency tuning mode is selected (CONF:RFD ‘Freq’).
:DIR is not used while measuring average power.
Screen/field equivalent
CAN:DIR controls the Anl Dir field of the CDMA ANALYZER screen.
:EVENt:QUALifier <string> :EVENt:QUALifier?
These commands set/query the qualifying event for the trigger. The qualifying event is the event that must occur before a trigger is accepted. The trigger event is set by the :EVEN:TRIG command.
CAN:EVEN:QUAL ‘None’ ‘27 ms’ ‘20 ms’ ‘80 ms’ ‘2 s’ ‘Ampl Lo’ ‘Ampl Mid’ ‘Ampl Hi’ ‘External’
Screen/field equivalent
CAN:EVEN:QUAL sets the Qual Event field on the CDMA
ANALYZER screen.
Chapter 1 | 103 |