oscilloscope, 273, 274 frequency at
spectrum analyzer, 280 level at
code domain analyzer, 228, 229, 235, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240
phase at
code domain analyzer, 230, 240
RF level at
spectrum analyzer, 279, 280 time at
code domain analyzer, 231 oscilloscope, 274
Mask Type
Fix, 321, 322, 323, 324, 325, 329
Rel, 325, 326, 327, 328, 329 mathematical operations
averaging, 283 division, 282, 299 multiplication, 282, 299
Meas Intvl, 112, 128 Measure, 203
Measure, IQ Plot Display, 271 Measure, IQ Plot Display Q, 271 Measurement, 124 measurement reset, 211 measurements
ac level, 211
ADC FS, average power, 217 ADC FS, channel power, 219 ADC FS, code domain, 226, 234 ADC FS, EVM, 218
ADC FS, rho, 218
adjacent channel power (ACP), 105
center channel, 223 lower ratio, 222 upper ratio, 223
AM depth, 212 audio frequency, 215 average power, 105, 224 carrier feedthrough, CDMA
analyzer, 219 carrier feedthrough, code
domain, 226, 227, 234, 235 channel power, 105, 224
code domain phase, 124, 136, 137, 138
code domain power, 124, 136, 137, 138
code domain power, fast, 124, 136, 137, 138
code domain timing, 124, 136, 137, 138
dc AM, 212 dc FM, 213 dc level, 214 distortion, 214 EVM, 105, 221 FM deviation, 215 frequency error, CDMA
analyzer, 220 frequency error, code domain,
227, 235
frequency error, DTMF high tone, 263, 269
frequency error, DTMF low tone, 262, 267
frequency error, RF analyzer, 276
frequency, DTMF high tone, 263, 268
frequency, DTMF low tone, 261, 267
frequency, RF analyzer, 276 magnitude error, 220 phase error, 221
PN offset, 222, 231, 240 rho, 105, 225
rho, estimated, 228, 241 SINAD, 216
SNR, 217
time offset, CDMA analyzer, 225
time offset, code domain, 232, 241
triggering, 346 TX power, 277
FOCC, 81
FVC, 80
FOCC, 95
FVC, 95 MESSAGES screen, 205 Meter key, 284
Mod In To
AM (/Vpk), 311
FM (/Vpk), 312
Mode, 71, 151, 152 decoder, 197
Model printer, 160
Modem Configuration
Serial 9 Port, 171 Modem
Initialization/Configuration Serial 9 Port, 172
Modem Mode Serial 10 Port, 178
Serial 9 Port, 168 multiplication, 282, 299
NAMPS channel standard, 163 Next Peak, 316, 319
No Peak/Avg, 334
Norm/Delta, 318
Norm/Hold, 320 Norm/Invert
Polarity (decoder), 198
Polarity (encoder), 73 tracking generator sweep, 333
Notch Coupl, 153
Notch Freq, 61
Notch Gain, 61
NTACS channel standard, 163 Num Avgs, 121
Num of Bits, 259
#of Frames, 114
Number to Call Serial 9 Port, 169
octal values, 206 Off Time
DTMF decoder, 264 DTMF encoder, 84
Offset Freq, 332 offset frequency, 155 On Time
DTMF decoder, 264 DTMF encoder, 85
Serial 9 Port, 168 oscilloscope
See Also SCOPE screen signal source for, 62
Output Port, 312
Parallel 15, printer port, 158 Parity
Serial 10 Port, 175
Serial 11 Port, 184
Serial 9 Port, 165 Password
Serial 9 Port, 174
PCS channel standard, 163 Peak, 316, 319
peak detector, 56
Phase, 124, 136, 137, 138 Phase Error, 221
350 | Index |