GPIB Command Dictionary
RFGenerator subsystem
:MODulation:EXTernal:FM <real number> :MODulation:EXTernal:FM?
These commands set/query the FM deviation of the RF generator when FM is applied through the modulation input port. The modulation input must be set to FM.
This command utilizes the “Real Number Setting Syntax” on page 299.
:MOD:EXT:FM <real number>
Screen/field equivalent
RFG:MOD:EXT:FM controls the lower subfield of the Mod In To field on the RF GENERATOR screen when FM (/Vpk) is selected in the upper subfield.
:OUTPut <string> :OUTPut?
These commands set/query the RF output port.
Screen/field equivalent
RFG:OUTP controls the Output Port field on the RF GENERATOR screen. This field is also displayed on the spectrum analyzer’s RF Gen menu when the spectrum analyzer is in fixed mode.
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