GPIB Command Dictionary
CBUFfer subsystem
CBUFfer subsystem
CBUF controls the CDMA data buffer. This system allows you to send CDMA data through the CDMA generator. You can send all zeroes, external data via the DATA IN connector, random data, or data supplied via GPIB.
:DATA <48 or 72 character hex string> :DATA?
These commands set/query the actual data string sent in the CDMA data buffer. The command CGEN:DATA:SOUR ‘Data Buff’ in the “CGENerator subsystem” on page 146 selects the data buffer as the data source.
CBUF:DATA <hex string> !48 or 72 character hex string
Screen/field equivalent
CBUF:DATA is controlled by the Data Source field of the CDMA
GENERATOR screen, but :DATA has no direct screen equivalent.
:FRAMe:COUNt <integer> <real number> :FRAMe:COUNt?
These commands set/query the number of frames to be transmitted. It is applicable no matter what the source of data is (data buffer, zeroes, external, or random). This command utilizes the “Multiple Real Number Setting Syntax” on page 282, but does not use the :DUNits and :UNITs commands.
CBUF:FRAM:COUN <integer>,<real number>
CBUF:FRAM:COUN? <integer> !returns the count corresponding to ‘integer’
Screen/field equivalent
CBUF:FRAM:COUN controls the # of Frames field of the CDMA GENERATOR screen. The # of Frame field is displayed when the Data Source is set to Data Buff.
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