GPIB Command Dictionary

OSCilloscope subsystem

:TRIGger:LEVel <real number> :TRIGger:LEVel?

These commands set/query the level of the oscilloscope’s trigger.

This command utilizes the “Real Number Setting Syntax” on page 299, but does not use the :STAT, :DUN, :UNIT, :INCR:MODE, :INCR:DUN, commands.


OSC:TRIG:LEV <real> !values

OSC:TRIG:LEV? !returns the level


OSC:TRIG:LEV 0.4 !sets the level to 0.4 V

Screen/field equivalent

OSC:TRIG:LEV controls the upper subfield of the Level(div) field on the Trigger menu of the SCOPE screen.

:TRIGger:MODE <string> :TRIGger:MODE?

These commands set/query the retriggering mode of the trigger for the oscilloscope. If ‘Cont’ is chosen, then the oscilloscope is triggering continuously and is ready for another measurement after one has finished. If ‘Single’ is chosen then the oscilloscope requires a trigger command before making another measurement.

OSC:RESet is the trigger command for the oscilloscope.






OSC:TRIG:MODE ‘Single’ !sets mode to single trigger

Screen/field equivalent

OSC:TRIG:MODE controls the Cont/Single field on the Trigger menu of the SCOPE screen.


Chapter 1

Page 292
Image 292
Agilent Technologies E6380-90073 manual TRIGgerLEVel real number TRIGgerLEVel?, TRIGgerMODE string TRIGgerMODE?