GPIB Command Dictionary
Real Number Setting Syntax
Real Number Setting Syntax
This syntax is for setting real values in commands. It is to be used with commands that require the Real Number Setting Syntax.
An example of a command that requires the Real Number Setting Syntax is the RFANalyzer:FREQuency command. (See “RFANalyzer subsystem” on page 303.)
| :Previous | Syntax <real_value>[display unit_of_measure] |
| :Previous | Syntax? !returns the value |
| :Previous | Syntax:DUNits <display unit_of_measure> !sets the units |
| :Previous | Syntax:DUNits? !returns the display units |
| :Previous | Syntax:UNits <GPIB unit_of_measure> |
| :Previous | Syntax:UNits? !Displays the GPIB units |
| :Previous | Syntax:INCRement <incr_value>[display unit_of_measure] |
| !increments the present value | |
| :Previous | Syntax:INCRement? !returns the increment value |
| :Previous | Syntax:INCRement UPDOWN !increments up or down |
| :Previous | Syntax:STATe 1ON |
| :Previous | Syntax:STATe 0OFF |
| :Previous | Syntax:STATe? ! returns 1 or 0 |
| :Previous | Syntax:MODe LINearLOGarithm |
| !sets | mode of the command |
| :Previous | Syntax:MODe? !returns mode (LIN or LOG) |
| :Previous | Syntax:MULTiply !multiplies current setting by 10 |
| :Previous | Syntax:DIVide !divides current setting by 10 |
Example | Examples | |
| RFAN:FREQ | 850.35MHz !sets the frequency to 850.35 MHz |
| RFAN:FREQ? !returns the frequency | |
| RFAN:FREQ:DUNits GHz !changes the units to GigaHertz |
RFAN:FREQ:INCR 3.5MHz !increments frequency by 3.5 MHz
RFAN:FREQ:INCR? !returns the increment value
RFAN:FREQ:MULT !multiplies the current frequency by 10
RFAN:FREQ:MULT !multiplies the current frequency by 10
!Note that :STAT is not valid for RFAN:FREQ
Chapter 1 | 299 |