GPIB Command Dictionary
AFANalyzer subsystem
:DETector:SETTling <string> :DETector:SETTling?
These commands set/query the settling time for audio measurements. (Use Fast when measuring signals greater than 200 Hz).
Screen/field equivalent
AFAN:DET SETT controls the Settling field on the AF ANALYZER screen.
:ELResistor <real number> :ELResistor?
These commands set/query the external load resistance for measurements using the AUDIO IN HI and LO connectors.
This command utilizes the “Real Number Setting Syntax” on page 299, but does not use the :STATe command.
AFAN:ELR <real number> !valid from 1 ohm to 1 megohm
AFAN:ELR? !returns the value in ohms
Screen/field equivalent
AFAN:ELR controls the Ext Load R field on the AF ANALYZER screen.
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