GPIB Command Dictionary
CDANalyzer subsystem
:IS2000:TRIGger:DELay <real number> :IS2000:TRIGger:DELay?
CDAN:IS2000:TRIG:DEL <real number> !values from 20μs to 10 s
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:IS2000:TRIG:DEL controls the Trig Delay subfield of the Trigger image when the Trig Event is set to Delay on the CODE DOMAIN screen when the CDMA standard is set to
:IS2000:TRIGger[:EVENt] <string> :IS2000:TRIGger[:EVENt]?
CDAN:IS2000:TRIG[:EVEN] ‘27 ms’
‘20 ms’
‘80 ms’
‘2 s’
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:IS2000:TRIG[:EVEN] controls the Trig Event field of the Trigger image of the CODE DOMAIN screen when the CDMA standard is set to
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