GPIB Command Dictionary
MEASure subsystem
:AFRequency:DCVolts <meas cmnd> :AFRequency:DCVolts?
These commands set/query the DC voltmeter. To use this measurement, you must have the DC level measurement selected (see MEAS:AFR:SEL on page 216), and have selected one of the following audio sources: SSB Demod, Audio In, Ext Mod, or Audio Out (see AFAN:INP on page 59).
MEAS:AFR:DCV <meas cmd>
!See “Number Measurement Syntax” on page 283. MEAS:AFR:DCV? !returns a real value
MEAS:AFR:DCV mV !sets the measurement unit to mV
MEAS:AFR:DCV? !returns the real value in millivolts
Screen/field equivalent
MEAS:AFR:DCV? reads the DC Level (V) measurement field on the AF ANALYZER screen when the AF Anl In field is set to Audio In, Audio Out, Ext Mod, or SSB Demod. This measurement is also displayed on the RF GENERATOR and RF ANALYZER screens.
:AFRequency:DISTortion <meas cmnd> :AFRequency:DISTortion?
These commands set/query the distortion measurement. This measurement is selected by using the MEAS:AFR:SEL ‘Distn’ command (see page 216), then you can read the measurement results using the :AFR:DIST query command.
MEAS:AFR:DIST <meas cmd>
!See “Number Measurement Syntax” on page 283.
MEAS:AFR:DIST? !returns a real value
MEAS:AFR:SEL ‘DISTN’ | ! selects the distortion measurement |
MEAS:AFR:DIST? | !returns the measured value |
Screen/field equivalent
MEAS:AFR:DIST? reads the Distn measurement field on the AF
ANALYZER screen. This measurement is also displayed on the RF
214 | Chapter 1 |