GPIB Command Dictionary
OSCilloscope subsystem
This command moves the marker to the maximum value of the average level of the display.
This command has no query.
OSC:MARK:PPE !moves the marker to the maximum
Screen/field equivalent
OSC:MARK:PPE controls the Marker To Peak+ field on the Marker menu of the SCOPE screen.
:MARKer:POSition <real number> :MARKer:POSition?
These commands set/query the marker the number specified of scale divisions from the left side of the screen.
This measurement utilizes the Real Number Setting Syntax, but does not use the :STATe command
OSC:MARK:POS <real number> !values 0 to 10.00
OSC:MARK:POS? !returns the present position value
OSC:MARK:POS 4.5 !positions the marker 4.5 divisions from the left
Screen/field equivalent
OSC:MARK:POS controls the Position field on the Marker menu of the SCOPE screen.
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