GPIB Command Dictionary
CDANalyzer subsystem
:SCALe:TIME <string> :SCALe:TIME?
These commands set/query the time per division portion of the scale that is used when measuring code domain timing.
‘2 ns’
‘5 ns’
‘10 ns’
‘20 ns’
‘50 ns’
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:SCAL:TIME controls the Time/div field on the Marker menu of the CODE DOM screen when the CDMA standard is set to
:THRShld <real number> :THRShld?
These commands set/query the minimum display threshold for code domain timing and phase measurements. Walsh channels that have power levels below the threshold are not displayed in the timing and phase displays. Querying these measurements for Walsh channels that are below the threshold level using GPIB will return a default value of 9e99.
CDAN:THRS <real number> !values minus 30 to 0.0 dB
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:THRS controls the Threshold field on the Aux menu of the CODE DOM screen when the CDMA standard is set to
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