GPIB Command Dictionary
DECoder subsystem
:NAMPsNTACs:STANdard <string> :NAMPsNTACs:STANdard?
These commands set/query the expected frame structure and channel range of the decoder’s incoming signal. Trying to run a test with the wrong standard selected will result in incorrectly decoded data, or will result in a displayed error message.
Screen/field equivalent
DEC:NAMP:STAN controls the Standard field on the SIGNALING
DECODER screen when the Mode field is set to
:NAMPsNTACs:TRIGger:PATTern <string> :NAMPsNTACs:TRIGger:PATTern?
These commands set/query the bit pattern to filter displayed information. The decoder only displays the received data when this binary pattern is encountered immediately after triggering. This is helpful when you only want to display messages containing very specific information.
The trigger pattern is entered as a sequence of ones, zeros, and dots. A dot will cause the decoder to trigger for either a one or a zero in that bit position in the received data stream.
This function is not available for decoding
Screen/field equivalent
DEC:NAMP:TRIG:PATT controls the Trigger Pattern (bin) field on the SIGNALING DECODER screen when the Mode field is set to
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