GPIB Command Dictionary
SANalyzer subsystem
:MARKer:MODE <string> :MARKer:MODE?
These commands set/query the whether the marker is in normal mode or delta mode.
In normal mode the spectrum analyzer measures the frequency and level at the marker’s position. In delta mode the spectrum analyzer displays a second marker and measures the difference (frequency and level) from the “normal” marker position. The marker is positioned using the SAN:MARK:DELT commands on page 315 through page 317, and the results are read with the MEAS:SAN:MARK:DELT commands on page page 278.
Screen/field equivalent
SAN:MARK:MODE controls the Norm/Delta field on the Marker menu of the SPEC ANL screen.
This command moves the marker to the center frequency of the spectrum analyzer’s measurement trace.
Screen/field equivalent
SAN:MARK:NORM:CFR controls the Marker To, Center Freq field on the Marker menu of the SPEC ANL screen when Norm/Delta field is set to Norm on the Marker controls menu.
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