GPIB Command Dictionary
I/Q Plot Subsystem
This command disarms the IQ Plot measurement when it has been put into single triggering mode using the TRIG:MODE:RETR SING. See “TRIGger subsystem” on page 346 for a more complete discussion of GPIB triggering.
IQPL:TRIG:DARM !disarms the IQ Plot measurements.
Screen/field equivalent
IQPL:TRIG:DARM controls the Disarm selection of the Analyzer field of the Main image of the IQ PLOT screen.
:TRIGger:DELay <real number> :TRIGger:DELay?
These commands set/query the current field contents of the
Trig Delay field on the IQ Plot screen.
IQPL:TRIG:DEL <real number from 20μs to 10s>
Screen/field equivalent
IQPL:TRIG:DEL sets the Trig Delay field of the Trigger image when the Trig Event field is set to Delay on the IQ PLOT screen. The query returns the current value.
:TRIGger[:EVENt] <string> :TRIGger[:EVENt]?
These commands set/query the trigger interval in the IQ plot screen.
IQPL:TRIG[:EVEN] ‘27 ms’ ‘20 ms’ ‘80 ms’ ‘2 s’ ‘Delay’ ‘Immed’
Screen/field equivalent
IQPL:TRIG[:EVEN] sets the Trig Event field of the Trigger image on the IQ PLOT screen.
Chapter 1 | 209 |