GPIB Command Dictionary
CDANalyzer subsystem
:IS2000:MEASurement[:TYPE] <string> :IS2000:MEASurement[:TYPE]?
CDAN:IS2000:MEAS[:TYPE] ‘Power’
‘Fast Pwr’
‘Complex Pwr’
‘FstPwr Sync’
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:IS2000:MEAS[:TYPE] sets the Measurement field of the Main image on the CODE DOMAIN screen when the CDMA standard is set to
:IS2000:PNUMber:INCRement <integer> :IS2000:PNUMber:INCRement? :IS2000:PNumber:INCRement <integer> :IS2000:PNumber:INCRement?
This command utilizes the :INCR command of the “Real Number
Setting Syntax” on page 299.
CDAN:IS2000:PNUM:INCR <integer> !values from 1 to 256
CDAN:IS2000:PNUM:INCR? !returns the value of the PN increment
CDAN:IS2000:PN:INCR <integer> !values from 1 to 256
CDAN:IS2000:PN:INCR? !returns the value of the PN increment
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:IS2000:PNUM:INCR and CDAN:IS2000:PN:INCR control the PN Incrment field on the CODE DOMAIN screen when the CDMA standard is set to
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