GPIB Command Dictionary
I/Q Plot Subsystem
:MEASurement:MODE <string> :MEASurement:MODE?
These commands set/query the current measurement mode for the I/Q plot screen.
Screen/field equivalent
IQPL:MEAS:MODE reads the Measurement field of the Main image on the IQ PLOT screen.
:MEASurement:INTerval <real number> :MEASurement:INTerval?
These commands set/query the current field contents of the IQ plot screen field, Meas Int. The units of time are measured in milliseconds.
IQPL:MEAS:INT <real number> ! values from 1.5 to 8.0 ms
IQPL:MEAS:INT? !returns the time interval.
Screen/field equivalent
IQPL:MEAS:INT sets the Meas Int field on the IQ PLOT screen. The query returns the current setting.
This command arms the IQ Plot measurement. This command does not affect continuous measurement. To put the IQ Plot measurement in single triggering mode, use the TRIG:MODE:RETR SING command. For continuous triggering, use TRIG:MODE:RETR REP. See “TRIGger subsystem” on page 346 for a more complete discussion of GPIB triggering.
IQPL:TRIG:ARM !arms the IQ Plot measurements.
Screen/field equivalent
IQPL:TRIG:ARM controls the Arm Meas field of the Analyzer field on the Main image of the IQ PLOT screen.
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