GPIB Command Dictionary
AFG2ENCoder subsystem
These commands set/query FOCC filler data. Each filler contains 7 hexadecimal characters representing the 2 type bits and 26 information bits of the control filler/message word. The control filler is sent continuously when the :AMPSTACS:FILL:SEND command is used or after a control message has been sent using :AMPSTACS:SEND.
Both filler fields must be full (seven digits) for the forward control channel information to be structured correctly. Do not leave any blank spaces.
To use this command, AFG2:AMPS:CHAN must be set to ‘Cntl’.
Screen/field equivalent
AFG2:AMPS:FILL:DATA1 and DATA 2 control the Filler fields for Stream A and Stream B on the SIGNALING ENCODER screen when the Mode field is set to
This command sends the filler information that is entered with the
AFG2:FILL:DATA1 and AFG2:FILL:DATA2 commands.
To use this command, AFG2:AMPS:CHAN must be set to ‘Cntl’.
Screen/field equivalent
AFG2:AMPS:FILL:SEND controls the Send Filler field on the
SIGNALING ENCODER screen when the Mode field is set to
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