GPIB Command Dictionary
CDANalyzer subsystem
:FPOWer:NAVG <integer> :FPOWer:NAVG?
These commands set/query the number of averages made by the fast power measurement.
CDAN:FPOW:NAVG <integer>
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:FPOW:NAVG controls the Num Avgs field on the FP Setup menu of the CODE DOM screen, when the CDMA standard is set to
:FPOWer:TOFFset <real number> :FPOWer:TOFFset?
These commands set/query the time offset for the fast power measurement. :FPOW:TOFF can be either entered with this command, or it can be transferred via the :FPOW:TOFF:TRAN command.
This number can be entered in microseconds only.
CDAN:FPOW:TOFF <real number> !0 to 26667
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:FPOW:TOFF controls the Time Offset field on the FP Setup menu of the CODE DOM screen, when the CDMA standard is set to
This command transfers the measured time offset from the Tm Ofs measurement field to the Time Offset field.
Screen/field equivalent
CDAN:FPOW:TOFF:TRAN controls the Ofs Trnsfer field on the
FP Setup menu of the CODE DOM screen, when the CDMA standard is set to
Chapter 1 | 121 |