GPIB Command Dictionary
Multiple Real Number Setting Syntax
Multiple Real Number Setting Syntax
This section defines the syntax to be used with commands that require the Real Number Setting Syntax, but allow multiple numbers to be set in one command.
This format is typically used for entering values that are grouped in rows or columns.
The format is the same as for the Real Number Setting Syntax, except that each real number is preceded by an integer that identifies the relative position in the list of numbers.
:Previous | Syntax <integer_value>,<real_value>[display unit_of_measure] |
!integer_value is the position, real_value is the actual value | |
:Previous | Syntax? <integer_value> !returns the value of the position |
:Previous | Syntax:DUNits <integer_value>,<display unit_of_measure> |
!sets | the units |
:Previous | Syntax:DUNits? <integer_value> !returns the display units |
:Previous | Syntax:UNits <integer_value>,<GPIB unit_of_measure> |
:Previous | Syntax:UNits? <integer_value> !Displays the GPIB units |
:Previous | Syntax:INCRement <integer_value>,<incr_value>[display |
unit_of_measure] | |
!increments the present value | |
:Previous | Syntax:INCRement <integer_value>,UPDOWN |
:Previous | Syntax:INCRement? <integer_value> !returns the incr. value |
:Previous | Syntax:MODe <integer_value>,LINearLOGarithm |
!sets mode of the command | |
:Previous | Syntax:MODe? <integer_value> !returns mode (LIN or LOG) |
:Previous | Syntax:MULTiply <integer_value>!multiplies current setting |
:Previous | Syntax:DIVide <integer_value>!divides current setting by 10 |
282 | Chapter 1 |