GPIB Command Dictionary
Number Measurement Syntax
Number Measurement Syntax
This syntax is used with measurement commands. It applies to both real and integer values.
This syntax is typically used with subsystems like the MEASure subsystem/
:Previous | Syntax:AUNits <GPIB units> !sets the GPIB units |
:Previous | Syntax:AUNits !returns the GPIB units |
:Previous | Syntax:AVERage[:VALue] <real_value> |
!sets the number of averages | |
:Previous | Syntax:AVERage? !returns the number of averages |
:Previous | Syntax:AVERage:RESet !resets the number of averages to 1 |
:Previous | Syntax:AVERage:STATe 1ON |
:Previous | Syntax:AVERage:STATe 0OFF |
:Previous | Syntax:AVERage:STATe? !returns 1 or 0 |
:Previous | Syntax:DUNits <display unit_of_measure> |
!sets | the disp. units |
:Previous | Syntax:DUNits? !returns the display units |
:Previous | Syntax:HLIMit[:VALue] <real_value>[<units>] |
!sets the value of the High Limit for a measurement display | |
:Previous | Syntax:HLIMit? !returns the High Limit setting |
:Previous | Syntax:HLIMit:DUNits <units> !display units |
:Previous | Syntax:HLIMit:DUNits? !returns the display units |
:Previous | Syntax:HLIMit:EXCeeded? |
!returns 1 or 0 to indicate if the High Limit was exceeded | |
:Previous | Syntax:HLIMit:RESet !resets the limit |
:Previous | Syntax:HLIMit:STATe 1ON !sets state of the limit |
:Previous | Syntax:HLIMit:STATe 0OFF !sets state of the limit |
:Previous | Syntax:HLIMit:STATe? !returns 1 or 0 |
:Previous | Syntax:LLIMit[:VALue] <real_value>[<units>] |
!sets the value of the Low Limit for a measurement display | |
:Previous | Syntax:LLIMit? !returns the Low Limit setting |
:Previous | Syntax:LLIMit:DUNits <units> !display units |
:Previous | Syntax:LLIMit:DUNits? !returns the display units |
:Previous | Syntax:LLIMit:EXCeeded? |
!returns 1 or 0 to indicate if the Low Limit was exceeded | |
:Previous | Syntax:LLIMit:RESet !resets the limit |
Chapter 1 | 283 |