3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide — IP / IPX Chapter 2 IP Performance Configuration
Field Description
checksum error/ offset
error/ short error
Number of checksum errors/number
of offset errors/number of short
duplicate packets/
partially duplicate
Number of duplicate packets/number
of partially duplicate packets
out-of-order packets Number of out-of-order packets
packets of data after
window Number of packets out of window
packets received after
close Number of received packets after
ACK packets Number of ACK packets
duplicate ACK packets/
too much ACK packets
Number of duplicate ACK
packets/number of ACK packets for
data not sent.
Total Total number of sent packets
urgent packets Number of urgent packets
control packets
(including 1 RST) Number of control packets, including
one retransmitted packet
window probe packets/
window update
Number of window probe
packets/number of window update
data packets/ data
packets retransmitted Number of data packets/number of
retransmitted packets
Sent packets
ACK-only packets Number of ACK packets (28 delay
ACK packets)
Retransmitted timeout/ connections
dropped in retransmitted timeout
Times of retransmission timer
timeout/number of dropped
connections because retransmission
times exceed the limit
Keepalive timeout/ keepalive probe/
Keepalive timeout, so connections
Times of keepalive timer
timeout/number of transmitted
keepalive probe packets/number of
dropped connections due to
keepalive probe failure
Initiated connections/ accepted
connections/ established connections
Number of initiated
connections/number of accepted
connections/number of established
Closed connections (dropped:\ initiated
dropped: )
Number of closed connections
(number of dropped
connections\number of failed
connection attempts)