3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – PoE Chapter 1 PoE Configuration Commands
Table 1-1 Description on the fields of the display poe interface command
Field Description
Port power status
PoE status of the port:
Disabled: Power is disabled on the port.
PD searching: The port is searching PD.
delivering: The port is delivering power to PD.
PD disconnected: PD is disconnected.
testing: The port is testing the PD.
fault: Nonstandard PD is detected or failure
Port power mode
PoE mode of the port:
signal: The port supplies port in the signal
spare: The port supplies power in the spare
Port PD class Class of power to the PD
Port power priority
PoE priority of the port:
z critical: The highest
z high: High
z low: Low
Port max power The maximum available power on the port
Port current power The current power on the port
Port average power The average power on the port
Port peak power The peak power on the port
Port current The current on the port
Port voltage The voltage on the port
# Display the PoE status of all ports.
<3Com> display poe interface all
Interface Ethernet3/0/1 power status: delivering
Interface Ethernet3/0/2 power status: PD searching
Interface Ethernet3/0/3 power status: PD searching
Interface Ethernet3/0/4 power status: PD searching
Interface Ethernet3/0/5 power status: PD searching
Interface Ethernet3/0/6 power status: PD searching
Interface Ethernet3/0/7 power status: PD searching
Interface Ethernet3/0/8 power status: PD searching
Interface Ethernet3/0/9 power status: PD searching
Interface Ethernet3/0/10 power status: PD searching
Interface Ethernet3/0/11 power status: PD searching