3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – SNMP & RMON Chapter 2 RMON Configuration Commands
Field Description
Falling threshold Falling threshold. An alarm is triggered when the
falling threshold is reached
linked with event Event index corresponding to an alarm
When startup enables
Alarm startup type:
risingOrFallingAlarm (an alarm is triggered when
the rising or falling threshold is reached)
risingAlarm (an alarm is triggered when the rising
threshold is reached)
FallingAlarm (an alarm is triggered when the
falling threshold is reached)
This entry will exist: forever Existing period. This entry can exist forever or
exist in the specified cycle
Latest value Latest sampled value
2.1.6 display rmon statistics
display rmon statistics [ interface-type interface-number ]
Any view
interface-type: Interface type.
interface-number: Interface number.
Use the display rmon statistics command to display the RMON statistics of a
specified port.
The displayed information include the number of the following items: collisions, packets
with CRC errors, undersize or oversize packets, broadcast packets, multicast packets,
received bytes, and received packets.
Related command: rmon statistics.
# Display the RMON statistics information.
<3Com> display rmon statistics ethernet 3/0/1
Statistics entry 1 owned by abc is VALID.
Interface : Ethernet3/0/1<ifIndex.201326722>