3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Routing Protocol Chapter 5 BGP Configuration Commands
ebgp-value: Preference value for EBGP. It is in the range of 1 to 256 and defaults to
ibgp-value: Preference value for IBGP routes. It is in the range of 1 to 256 and
defaults to 256.
local-value: Preference value for locally-originated routes. It is in the range of 1 to 256
and defaults to 130.
Use the preference command to set preference values for. routes learned from
external peers, routes learned from internal peers, and local-originated routes.
Use the undo preference command to restore the default preference values.
# Set the preferences of EBGP, IBGP and locally generated routes to 170.
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[3Com] bgp 100
[3Com-bgp] preference 170 170 170
5.1.55 reflect between-clients Syntax
reflect between-clients
undo reflect between-clients
BGP view
Use the reflect between-clients command to configure the between-client reflection
of a route.
Use the undo reflect between-clients command to disable this function.
After a route reflector is configured, it reflects the route of a client to another client.
By default, the clients of a route reflector are not fully interconnected and the route is
reflected from a client to another client by default via the route reflector. If the clients
are fully interconnected, you do not need to configure route reflection.