3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Password Control Chapter 1 Password Control Configuration Commands
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[3Com] local-user test
New local user added.
[3Com-luser-test] password
# Change the system login password for the user test to 0123456789.
Confirm :**********
Updating the password file ,please wait ...
1.1.5 password-control Syntax
password-control aging aging-time
password-control length length
password-control login-attempt login-times [ exceed { lock | unlock | locktime
time } ]
password-control history max-record-num
password-control alert-before-expire alert-time
password-control authentication-timeout authentication-timeout
undo password-control { aging | length | login-attempt | exceed | history |
alert-before-expire | authentication-timeout }
System view
aging-time: Password aging time. It ranges from 1 day to 365 days and defaults to 90
length: Minimum password length. It is a character string containing 4 to 32 characters.
By default, it is a character string containing 10 characters.
login-times: Number of login attempts allowed for each user. It ranges from 2 to 10 and
defaults to 3.
max-record-num: Maximum number of history records allowed for each user. It ranges
from 2 to 15 and defaults to 4.