3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Multicast Chapter 5 PIM Configuration Commands
Table 5-3 Description on the fields of the display pim neighbor command
Field Description
Neighbor’s Address Neighbor address
Interface name VLAN interface where the neighbor has
been discovered
Uptime Time passed since the multicast group
has been discovered
Expires Specifies when the member will be
removed from the group
display pim routing-table [ { { *g [ group-address [ mask { mask-length | mask } ] ] |
**rp [ rp-address [ mask { mask-length | mask } ] ] } | { group-address [ mask
{ mask-length | mask } ] | source-address [ mask { mask-length | mask } ] } * } |
incoming-interface { interface-type interface-number | null } | { dense-mode |
sparse-mode } ] *
Any view
**rp: (*, *, RP) route entry.
*g: (*, G) route entry.
group-address: Address of the multicast group.
source-address: IP address of the multicast source.
incoming-interface interface-type interface-number: View the route entry whose
incoming VLAN interface is the specified VLAN interface.
null: Specifies the VLAN interface type as Null.
dense-mode: Specifies the multicast routing protocol as PIM-DM.
sparse-mode: Specifies the multicast routing protocol as PIM-SM.
Use the display pim routing-table command to view information about the PIM
multicast routing table.
The displayed information about the PIM multicast routing table includes the SPT
information and RPF information.