3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – PoE Chapter 1 PoE Configuration Commands
slot-num: Number of the slot where the board resides.
Use the poe max-power command to set the maximum power of a board.
Use the undo poe max-power command to restore the default maximum power of a
By default, the maximum power of a board is 37 W.
# Set the maximum power of the board in slot 3 to 400 W.
<3Com> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[3Com] poe max-power 400 slot 3
1.1.10 poe mode Syntax
poe mode { signal | spare }
undo poe mode
Ethernet port view
signal: Supplies power through a signal cable.
spare: Supplies power through a spare cable.
Use the poe mode command to configure the PoE mode on the current port.
Use the undo poe mode command to restore the PoE mode on the current port to the
default mode.
By default, the port supplies power through a signal cable.
Note that the Switch 7750 series switches do not support the spare mode currently.
# Set the PoE mode on Ethernet3/0/1 to signal.
<3Com> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[3Com] interface Ethernet 3/0/1
[3Com-Ethernet3/0/1] poe mode signal