3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Routing Protocol Chapter 3 OSPF Configuration Commands
specify the no-summary argument in the stub command to disable the receiving of
type-3 LSAs by the stub area connected to the ABR.
Related command: default-cost.
# Set the type of OSPF area 1 to STUB.
<3Com> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[3Com] ospf 1
[3Com-ospf-1] area 1
[3Com-ospf-1-area-] stub
3.1.51 vlink-peer Syntax
vlink-peer router-id [ hello seconds | retransmit seconds | trans-delay seconds |
dead seconds | simple password | md5 keyid key ]*
undo vlink-peer router-id
OSPF Area view
route-id: Router ID of virtual link peer.
hello seconds: Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which the router transmits hello
packet. It ranges from 1 to 8192 and defaults to 10. This value must equal the hello
seconds value of the router virtually linked to the interface.
retransmit seconds: Specifies the interval, in seconds, for retransmitting the LSA
packets on an interface. It ranges from 1 to 8192 and defaults to 5.
trans-delay seconds: Specifies the delay , in seconds, for transmittin g LSA packets on
an interface. It ranges from 1 to 8192 and defaults to 1.
dead seconds: Specifies the interval, in seconds, of death timer. It ranges from 1 to
8192 and defaults to 40. This value must equal the dead seconds of the router
virtually linked to it and must be at least four times of the hello seconds.
simple password: Specifies the simple text authentication password, which contains
up to eight characters, of the interface. This value must equal the authentication key
of the virtually linked peer.
keyid: MD5 authentication key ID. It ranges from 1 to 255. It must be equal to the
authentication key ID of the virtually linked peer.