3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Configuration File Management Chapter 1 Configuration File Management
Chapter 1 Configuration File Management Commands

1.1 Configuration File Management Commands

1.1.1 display current-configuration

display current-configuration [ [ controller | interface [ interface-type
[ interface-number ] ] | configuration [ configuration ] ] [ | { begin | exclude |
include } text ] ] | [ vlan [ vlan-id ] ]
Any view
controller: View the configuration information of controllers.
interface: View the configuration information of interfaces.
interface-type: Type of the interface, which may be Aux, GigabitEthernet, NULL,
Vlan-interface, or M-Ethernet.
interface-number: Number of the interface.
configuration configuration: View the configuration information excluding the port
information. The value of the configuration argument is the keyword of the
configuration on the switch, such as:
z acl-adv: Views the configuration information of advanced ACLs.
z ospf: Views the configuration information of the OSPF protocol.
z system: Views the name of the host.
z timerange: Views the configuration information of the time range.
The optional configuration keywords are available only after the related functions are
enabled on the switch.
vlan [ vlan-id ]: Displays the VLAN configuration in the system. If the vlan-id
argument is not specified, the configuration information of all VLANs in the system is
displayed; if the vlan-id argument is specified, the configuration information of the
specified VLAN is displayed.
|: Filters the configuration information to be output via the regular expression.
begin: Displays the configuration beginning with the specified characters.