3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Routing Protocol Chapter 4 Integrated IS-IS Configuration Commands
4.1.15 import-route Syntax
import-route protocol [ cost value | type { external | internal } | [ level-1 | level-1-2 |
level-2 ] | route-policy route-policy-name ]*
undo import-route protocol [ cost value | type { external | internal } | [ level-1 |
level-1-2 | level-2 ] | route-policy route-policy-name ]*
IS-IS view
protocol: Source routing protocol that can be imported, including direct, static, rip,
bgp, ospf, ospf-ase, and ospf-nssa.
value: Cost of the imported route, in the range of 0 to 63.
type: Specifies the type of the routing cost. If it is internal, then it is a route within an
area; if it is external, it is a route between areas. The type is internal by default.
level-1: Specifies to import routes to Level-1 routing table.
level-2: Specifies to import routes to Level-2 routing table. If no level is specified, the
routes are imported to level-2 routing table by default.
level-1-2: Specifies to import routes to Level-1 and level-2 routing tables.
route-policy route-policy-name: Specifies to import only those routes satisfying the
matching condition of the designated route-policy. The route-policy-name argument is
a string containing 1 to 19 characters.
Use the import-route command to enable IS-IS to filter the imported routes.
Use the undo import-route command to disable IS-IS from importing other protocols'
routing information.
IS-IS does not import other protocols’ routing information by default.
IS-IS takes all the routes imported to the routing domain as external routes, which
describe how to select a routes to a destination outside of the routing domain.
Related command: import-route isis level-2 into level-1.
# Import a static route with the cost of 15.
<3Com> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[3Com] isis