3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – 802.1x Chapter 1 802.1x Configuration Commands
1.1.7 dot1x port-control Syntax
dot1x port-control { auto | authorized-force | unauthorized-force } [ interface
interface-list ]
undo dot1x port-control [ interface interface-list ]
System view, Ethernet port view
auto: Specifies to operate in auto access control mode. In this mode, a port is
initialized to take all users as unauthorized: it only allows EAPoL packets to pass
through and grants users no permission to network resources. Only after the users
have passed the authentication will the port classify them as authorized and allow them
access to the network resources, which is often the case.
authorized-force: Specifies to operate in authorized-force access control mode.
unauthorized-force: Specifies to operate in unauthorized-force access control mode.
Ports in this mode are constantly in unauthorized state. Supplicant systems connected
to them cannot access the network.
interface-list: Ethernet port list. You can specify multiple Ethernet ports by providing this
argument in the form of interface-list = { interface-name [ to interface- name] & < 1-10 >.
The interface-name argument is the port index of an Ethernet port and can be specified
in this form: interface-name = { interface-type interface-num }, where interface-type
specifies the type of a port and interface-num identifies the port number. "&<1-10>"
means that up to 10 port indexes/port index lists can be provided.
Use the dot1x port-control command to specify the access control method for
specified Ethernet ports.
Use the undo dot1x port-control command to revert to the default access control
The default access control method is auto.
Use the dot1x port-control command to configure the access control method for
specified 802.1x-enabled ports.
When being executed in system view, these two commands apply to all Ethernet ports
of the switch if you do not provide the interface-list argument. And if you specify the
interface-list argument, these commands apply to the specified Ethernet ports.
When being executed in Ethernet port view, these two commands apply to the current
Ethernet port only. In this case, the interface-list argument is not needed.