3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Routing Protocol Chapter 4 Integrated IS-IS Configuration Commands
Chapter 4 Integrated IS-IS Configuration Commands
The router in this document refers to a generic router and an Ethernet switch running
routing protocols.

4.1 Integrated IS-IS Configuration Commands

4.1.1 area-authentication-mode

area-authentication-mode { simple | md5 } password [ ip | osi ]
undo area-authentication-mode { simple | md5 } [ ip | osi ]
IS-IS view
simple: Specifies to send the password in plain text.
md5: Specifies to send the password encrypted with MD5.
password: Specifies the password to be set. For the simple authentication mode, the
password must be plain text. For the md5 authentication mode, the password can be
either plain text or ciphertext, and the result depends on the input. A plain password
can be a string no longer than 16 bytes, such as user918. A cipher password must be
a ciphertext of 24 bytes, such as (TT8F]Y\5SQ=^Q`MAF4<1!!.
ip: Specifies the system to check the configuration for the corresponding field of IP in
osi: Specifies the system to check the configuration for the corresponding field of OSI
in LSP.
Whether a password should use the ip keyword or the osi keyword is not affected by
the actual network environment.