3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Mirroring Chapter 1 Mirroring Commands
1.1.5 mirroring-group (only for recovery)
mirroring-group group-id { inbound | outbound } mirroring-port-list mirrored-to
undo mirroring-group group-id
System view
group-id: Group ID of the mirroring group, in the range of 1 to 20.
inbound: Monitors the received packets only.
outbound: Monitors the sending packets only.
mirroring-port-list: Ethernet port list. It means there can be multiple ports. This
argument is provide in the form of port-list={ interface-type interface-number [ to
interface-type interface-number ] }&<1-8>, where Interface-type interface-number
means an Ethernet port, and &<1-8> means you can specify eight Ethernet ports or
Ethernet port lists.
mirrored-to monitor-port: Specifies the destination port.
Use the mirroring-group command to configure a mirroring group.
Use the undo mirroring-group command to cancel the configuration.
This command is only used to recover configurations. You cannot execute the
command actually, so that after executing the command, the system prompts ”Error:
The command is only used in resuming config!”.
# Configure mirroring group 2, specify Ethernet1/0/1 through Ethernet1/0/3 as source
ports, and Ethernet1/0/4 as destination port, and only monitor the packets received
through ports.
<3Com> system-view
System View: return to User View with Ctrl+Z.
[3Com] mirroring-group 2 inbound Ethernet 1/0/1 to Ethernet 1/0/3 mirrored-to
Ethernet 1/0/4