3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – AAA, RADIUS, HWTACACS, EAD Chapter 1 AAA & RADIUS & HWTACACS
Configuration Commands
[3Com-isp-aabbcc.net] access-limit enable 500
1.1.2 attribute
attribute { ip ip-address | mac mac-address | idle-cut second | access-limit
max-user-number | vlan vlan-id | location { nas-ip ip-address port port-number | port
port-number } }*
undo attribute { ip | mac | idle-cut | access-limit | vlan | location }*
Local user view
ip: Sets the IP address to which the user is bound.
mac: Sets the MAC address to which the user is bound. mac-address is in
dash-delimited hexadecimal notation, that is, in the H-H-H format.
idle-cut second: Allows/disallows the enabling of the idle-cut function by the local user
(The data for idle-cut operation depends on the configuration in the ISP domain). The
second argument is the idle time (in seconds) before cutting down. It ranges from 60 to
access-limit max-user-number: Sets the maximum number of users who can access
the switch with current user name. The value of max-user-number ranges from 1 to
vlan vlan-id: Sets the VLAN to which the user is bound; that is, sets which VLAN the
user belongs to. vlan-id is an integer ranging from 1 to 4094.
location: Sets the port binding attribute of the user.
nas-ip ip-address: Sets the IP address of the access server to which the user is bound
to. ip-address is in dotted decimal notation and is (representing this device)
by default.
port port-number: Sets the port that is bound to the user. port-number is in the format of
"slot number subslot number port number". If the bound port has no subslot number,
just input 0 for this item.
Use the attribute command to set the attributes of a local user.
Use the undo attribute command to cancel attribute settings of the local user.
Note that if the user is bound to a remote port, you must specify the nas-ip keyword. If
the user is bound to a local port, you need not specify the nas-ip keyword.