3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Routing Protocol Chapter 5 BGP Configuration Commands
Chapter 5 BGP Configuration Commands  Note:
Routers in this manual refer to common routers or Ethernet switches that run routing
protocols, unless otherwise specified.
5.1 BGP Configuration Commands
 Note:
For the commands defining routing policies in BGP, refer to the next chapter “IP
Routing Policy Configuration Commands".
5.1.1 aggregate
aggregate ip-address mask [ as-set | attribute-policy route-policy-name |
detail-suppressed | origin-policy route-policy-name | suppress-policy
route-policy-name ]*
undo aggregate ip-address mask [ as-set | attribute-policy route-policy-name |
detail-suppressed | origin-policy route-policy-name | suppress-policy
route-policy-name ]*
BGP view
ip-address: Address of the aggregated route.
mask: Network mask of the aggregated route.
as-set: Creates a route with segment of AS_SET.
detail-suppressed: Only advertises the aggregated route.
suppress-policy route-policy-name: Suppresses the specific route selected.