3Com Switch 7750 Series
Command Reference Guide – Remote Ping Chapter 1 Remote Ping Commands
Field Description
Value of the test result. See the following detailed
1: responceReceived. It means response is received.
2: unknown. It means unknown error.
3: internalError. It means system internal error.
4: requestTimeOut. It means timeout waiting for
5: unknownDestinationAddress. It means the destination
address is unknown.
6: noRouteToTarget. It means there is no route to the
destination address.
7: interfaceInactiveToTarget. It means the interface of
destination address is not activated.
8: arpFailure. It means ARP operation fails.
9: maxConcurrentLimitReached. It means the maximum
limit of concurrent accesses is reached.
10: unableToResolveDnsName. It means it is unable to
resolve the DNS field.
11: invalidHostAddress. It means the invalid host
Receive the last response code based on the
implementation ways. With ICMP echo enabled, if the
system receives ICMP response which includes
ICMP_ECHOREPLY(0), the probe has succeeds. ICMP
response often defined in the file including ip_icmp.
Time Test time
frequency interval
undo frequency
Remote Ping test group view